Developer. Creator. Cook. DIYer. Gamer. Explorer.



Constant K

Simple Network

About Me

Jacob K Lewis

Full Stack Developer

Here is the Synopsis. I was born and raised in the Chicagoland suburbs in 1994. Since my parents both designed and built my house by themselves, growing up, I always had an interest in building anything. During my early years as a child, I would build with Legos consistently. Later on, I began building software for both desktop and mobile devices alike.


One Christmas, I received a lego robotics system called Lego Mindstorms. Lego Mindstorms was my introductory to computer programming because it allowed me to program a robot to perform unique actions. Later, around 2006, I began to program with Adobe Flash. This animation platform allowed me to create interactive content in an easy-to-understand way. Later, during my high school career, I began writing programs for Android and iPhone.


I am both a Full Stack and Mobile App Developer also independently researching Cryptography and BLE.

Resume Overview

Video Work

Between 2012 and 2017 I freelanced recording videos for both companies and organizations. During the summer of 2011, I had the opportunity to intern at Jellyfish Labs for Phil Vischer (the original creator of Veggie Tales). I helped edit their film, Buck Denver Asks... Why Do We Call It Christmas?

App Work

Besides my work at Bosch, I have created and maintained a contact management application for an independent company. The application works on both Android and iOS. I have also created a bunch of smaller applications for myself and others.

Group Work

Early in 2012, I started a group called DigitalFire Media. This group has allowed both my friends and I to work as a group to achieve certain goals. Over the years, we adopted leadership roles that would influence our daily work today.


I have an Associate's degree from College of DuPage and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematical Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Current/Previous Jobs

I worked at a Sprint store for 3 years in sales and repair. I got the job knowing little to nothing about sales. Over the years, I learned many techniques and practices to not only help me become successful in my later careers but to also help guide my life in this crazy world. I served many different functions at College of DuPage in both the admissions department as well as the student life department. I was a student ambassador for a year giving tours to prospective students and later a front desk employee at the student life office. During the summer of 2015, I interned at PMA Financial in the IT department. PMA offered me the opportunity to support over 100 employees technically, allowing them to work as efficiently as possible each day. I am currently employed at Bosch Tool Corp developing Android and iOS applications.